Saturday, August 22, 2009

Microsoft installs Firefox add-on for .NET.

Grrrrrrr !!!!

Just a warning, if you had not noticed, and use FireFox, there is an add-on called Microsoft .net Framework Assistant. This add-on is different from most as you cannot uninstall it because the uninstall option is inactive in Firefox!!

Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson discussed it on their show "Security Now!" episode 199 (transcript here >>

Fix here >>

From the show >

The Firefox add-on that they (Microsoft) installed as part of their regular monthly patch, that is, the second Tuesday of the month deal, when they did, they introduced the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, which was back in February, just without telling anyone they slipped this into the Firefox add-on list.

this add-on establishes in Firefox, get this, "The ability for websites to easily and quietly install software on your PC. So the problem here is this is why you're using Firefox, is that you don't want websites to have the ability to easily and quietly install software on your PC. You've moved to Firefox because you don't want to be using the most historically vulnerable browser, Internet Explorer, in the industry. And yet Microsoft has reached over and added this feature to your Firefox browser without your knowledge or permission to do just that. Now, what makes it even problematical is that the uninstall button is disabled.

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